Savoring and Noticing Happiness

There is so much talk about the pursuit of happiness. How can we create happiness, how can we boost happiness, how can we bring more happiness into our lives. There is an abundance of materials on this topic. One concept I heard […]

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Girls just want to have fun! How friendships and having fun boost happiness

Book Review: The Happiness Project / Gretchen Rubin “Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. “The days are long, but the years are short”, she realized. “Time is passing, and I’m not focusing […]

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How to Benefit from Aloneness and Put Loneliness Aside

Yesterday I participated in a conference. Alone. It was a work-related conference, super-fancy and extremely professional. It was interesting and relevant to my work and my areas of interest. I devoured most of the content. Yet I was alone. Drove there by […]

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The Power of Doubling-Down on Being Human

In episode 208 of her excellent podcast “Simple”, Tsh Oxenreider speaks of the month-long sabbatical she just took. It was a true sabbatical from work but also from social media. She has many lessons learnt from this month, and I recommend listening […]

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The Power of Self-Belief in Developing a Creative Life

Thoughts on Julia Cameron’s interview on Good Life Project podcast  “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron is a book that I heard of years ago from my art teacher who lived in crumbling house in the heart of Jerusalem, but taught me […]

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Transitions and Changes that Shape our Experience

Transition periods can be extremely difficult. They can sap all the energy straight out of you leaving you bare and dry to the bone. They are confusing, changing the course of your daily routines and putting you in the constant need to […]

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